Film Picture Task
For this practical task we were asked to produce three pictures that relate to a certain film genre. In the lesson we looked at the characteristics that tell us about different genres and themes. As a warm-up task we analysed the Nightmare on Elm Street film poster and identified the features in the image that portrays the film as a horror movie.
Picture 1
This picture has a genre of Science-Fiction. Notice how the individual in the image is presented sporting a bright blue hairstyle whilst standing in front of a mysterious, inflatable arena. These two factors show how the setting is make belief therefore makes it a fictional genre.
Picture 2 - Horror
Here we created an image with a horror genre. The fundamental feature that makes this similar to a horror movie is the girl beside the tree. The girl's face is unrecognisable which suggests how she may be possessed by the devil or she may even be a ghost. Secondly, the background looks as though it has been abandoned and you can see a haunted-looking cottage in the distance.
For the final image, the genre is not so obvious at first glance. However, the picture shows a tree with many leaves blocking the bright light of the clear summer sky. Both the tree and the sky are things of undoubted natural beauty therefore shows how this is the perfect setting for a love story.
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